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VIPKid Teacher Life Part 1

Okay, so I work for VIPKid and I really like it. Initially, I wasn’t a fan due to some miscommunications via email last summer. However, after multiple friends had awesome experiences with them, I gave it another go. 

72 hours. 

That is how long it took from the time I applied until I was hired. Seriously. It was a pretty simple process and I’ll walk you through it. 

1. Apply. Yep. Follow this link and put in your application. Any teaching experience is relevant. Sunday school, camps, preschool, your own kids, etc. Just be sure and frame it as Education and explain how you were teaching and for how long. A Bachelor’s degree is pretty much required and additional TESOL experience is helpful. 

2. Interview. They notify you FAST if you got an interview. Currently, I know of two ways you can be offered an interview. Interview Express (which is what I did) is a when you record a quick video of you teaching a couple  components from a lesson they give you. A live interview is also sometimes offered and you interview online with a real person. 

3. Mocks These are done after you are hired. If you get the job, they email you your pay rate and ask you to sign up for a Mock 1. This is a live teaching demonstration you do in front of a more experienced teacher. They pretend to be a student and you teach. It is about an hour in length. Most people have to do two Mocks (Mock 1 and Mock 2) although if you rock out your Mock 1 you can be set up to teach without a Mock 2. I was hired 3 hours after my Mock 1. 

4. Contract, Profile, and Certifications VIPKid has various levels of students they teach. Kids as early as 2 years up to 12 years take the lessons and all have differing English language acquisition. You will enter the position with certain certifications based on how you performed in your mocks. You will create a teacher profile with images and a video, and also sign a 6 month contract stipulating your pay and the rules for a continuing employment with them. 

That pretty much wraps it up. I have been with VIPKid for 44 days now and in the past two weeks I have filled nearly every time slot I opened to teach. I entered this job after Mock 1 and was certified for every level except Level 6 and Pre-Vip. This is atypical and I share it to let you know that it is definitely possible to get in the door and have lots of certifications and quickly fill up your schedule. 

My referral code is 07EPCP or you can use this link to apply

I’m available to help people get started. There are some great resources I can lead you to so feel free to get in touch with any questions. Also, keep an eye out on the blog for my second part of this series where I will describe my five favorite things about working for VIPKid. 

So This Is Life,

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