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Easter Eggs Dyed, Now What?

The boys and I geared up for the big show. Colored dye cups filled with the stench of vinegar and vibrant hues that will stain skin for days set atop newspaper and wipeabe placemats, miniature whisks topped with adorable characters prepped with a first egg cradled inside, all was right and ready for the chaos known as Easter egg coloring. 

We read the story of Jesus going to the cross and coming back to life. We discussed which animals lay eggs, the parts of an egg, what hatches from an egg, what eggs taste like, and more about eggs than you can ever imagine. Eggs fell and cracked, eggs were double dipped, and finally, we exhausted our time to color eggs. 

Now. Let’s toss the dye down the drain. NO! Wait. If your home is like ours, there is a way better option. Use the dye to color items for sensory bins!!! We do sensory bins year round and colored rice, pasta, and beans make this sort of learning extra fun. 

Here is what I did. 

I put 1lb of white beans or 2c of rice each in large glass bowls and poured one color of dye over each one. I stirred well with a plastic fork, making sure to coat every bean or grain. I let it sit 10 mins and stirred again. Finally, I laid the beans and rice on wax paper for drying. I spread them fairly even and placed each set on a baking sheet in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes to speed the drying process. 

Let sit and air dry until no longer wet to the touch. We store our rice in sealed plastic bins. 

My boys adore these!

Wholly Mom,

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