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The Unsung Hero

It’s not Father’s Day. 

Or our anniversary. 

Or even his birthday. 

But you guys. 

This fellow I married. 

He is the real deal. 

I’ve had a bunch of people lately singing my praises and asking how I do all that I do. Jesus and Jonah. Yep. My unsung heroes. The best team to have on my side. 

Jonah is a diaper changing, kiddo watching, toddler soothing, potty master, daddy-mommy. Sure, he complains and we fight, but this guy will stand with me and kiss my forehead in my worst moment. He has been by my side while I pursued the dreams of my youth. He took me as his bride and bought me the place I call home. He stood by me as my body stretched and remade itself with baby number one. And again while I slid into motherhood of two littles. He held my trembling body as our third son fought for his life after a traumatic birth. He makes us laugh, he is the one that shows us the Father’s heart every day. 

I can’t say it enough. Thank you! Thank you, my sweet husband for loving our family the way you do. 

Thank you for letting me enjoy teaching and motherhood and homemaking. Thank you for holding the hands of our boys and caring about the deposits we make in their spirit men. 

So This is Life,


The sink is full again. 

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