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Raising Arrows



What purpose does it really serve?

I truly believe parenting has one main purpose. A holy calling unlike any other in this life.

We are to teach our children to hear our voice, our heart, and our counsel, obey and honor it. So that they may hear the voice of God, His heart, His counsel, obey and honor it.

It's beautiful really. How God himself has chosen us to have relationship with Him. Relationship that begins with a solid understanding of how to hear His word and do what it says.

Yes, grace. Yes, mercy. Yes. Yes. Yes.

However, in order to walk in right relationship with God we also need to hear Him, His heart, and His counsel, obey and honor it.

Likewise, my relationship with my sons, my arrows looks similar. I expect them to listen to me. I require them to obey. My great love for them is the basis of these requests. I desire to protect and bless them.

"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are the children of one's youth,".

Psalm 127:4

I love the parallels God designed between His relationship with us and our relationship with our children.

How does this play out in real life? For us, it looks like:

Daily talking about God informally, referencing scripture naturally as we do every day things, pointing to Him as we observe our lives in a simple cadence.

Traditions (Advent, Jesse Tree, staining eggs to explain sin/redemption, Empty Tomb rolls, Passover meal, Friday night family worship, reading scripture each evening, daily prayer together).

Outreach (going to the homeless shelter, buying food for others, giving tithes/offerings to those in need, serving at church)

Education (homeschooling and incorporating Bible Study daily).

On this beautiful Palm Sunday when all three of my boys have nasty colds, we are all snuggled up watching cartoons about Jesus, a donkey, a parade. We are talking about why God would leave Heaven for us. We are learning together about His purpose for our lives, His love for everyone.

What does raising arrows look like for your family?

I'd love to know how you purposefully incorporate transferring your authority to God in raising your children to honor and obey Him.

Wholly Mom,

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