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I See You Walking

I see you walking. Walking down the hallway with your friend who is in full blown labor with the baby she wasn't sure she would ever have. Walking beside the mom that has miscarried. Again. Walking into your job with your head held high. Earning, saving, progressing, climbing the corporate ladder with wit, integrity, and joy. Walking into your house. Arms laden with babies and groceries. Frazzled, frustrated, but still tending thoughtfully to the needs of others. Walking with a student struggling through the course you teach. Listening to them and really hearing their heart. Walking with your dad through the last days of his life. Smiling through tears as you give him permission to leave in peace. Walking in the night to help refugee orphans make it safely to their new homes. Walking to the clinic seven miles from her home, carrying the bleeding girl who just experienced mutilation no one should ever know. Walking money to the free pregnancy clinic to help them keep serving women and babies. Walking the floor of your home with a hysterical, inconsolable infant. Walking with your two grandbabies through their childhood. You thought you left motherhood behind, but now you are mommy a second time. Walking beside your friend as she fights for her life with breast cancer. Walking into the NICU alone to see your baby covered in tubes. Fully aware you are viewed as uneducated, not knowledgeable. Yet still fighting for your baby to receive the best care, the best nourishment. Walking to the voting booth and casting your vote. Making sure your opinion is counted. Walking with the young girl who just learned she is pregnant and knows she cannot keep the baby. Walking to receive the diploma everyone said you could not and would not receive. Walking into Sunday School every week and smiling at the littles as you share true Love's story. Walking into work everyday with hot flashes, emotions all over the place, and your womb closing forever. Smiling at customers, clients, co-workers regardless. Walking. As a woman. I see you. I respect you. I support you. These are the walking ones I get behind. No, I'm not against a women's rights march. Exactly the opposite, really. However, I am much more in support of the women marching daily. The ones that fight the battles unseen and unheard. They all look different. Every race, ethnicity, religion, age group represented. Go ahead. Walk. March. Be strong, woman. You are made in the image of God. A co-laborer with Christ. Let is be your strength that His mark is upon you. Do us all a favor though, don't request to do it like a man. You can't. You aren't designed for that. You have untapped greatness that no man can ever hinder if you decide you will go there. You are destined for a glory all your own. Sometimes it may sting. As you watch the glory of men. Just remember, you are woman. You are absolutely resplendent. Fashioned to be a complement, a restorer, a life bearer, and giver. There is nothing greater waiting for you than to walk out that role in its fullness.

So This is Life.

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